We help disabled and under-privileged children under the age of 18 with equipment, services and other means of assistance to help them live better lives.
The types of things we provide funding for include:
- Wheel chairs
- Gap Payments
- Bed Rails
- Shower Chairs
- Specialised Car Seats
Our grant application process is fairly straight-forward. We assess each individual application on its own merits. In order to be successful all members of the board of directors must unanimously support the application.
Fill out the form and include quotes and letters of support where possible. A Jpeg file photograph of the child should be sent to [email protected]. Make sure your grant application is witnessed by a Justice of The Peace. Grant applications should be submitted by the 25th day of a month in order to be assessed and reviewed by the board of directors early in the following month.
Please note: AKC can only accept one grant application per family per year.
Please see our Grant Funding Guidelines document here.
If you would like to discuss your grant application or have questions, please contact us here.