Ariana is 4 years old and has Microcephaly
Ariana is 4 years old and has Microcephaly which causes global development delay, vision impairment and low tone and feeding difficulties. A dynamic standing frame was sought to help Ariana at home and outside of the home to give her the opportunity to weight bear, strengthen her core muscles and eventually stand unaided.
The Dynamic Standing frame was $1,182 and was fully funded by Aussie Kidz.
Now that she has the frame, Ariana is very happy when standing with it. She is able to use her arms and hands freely to play and interact with others, especially her peers. There has been a considerable improvement in Ariana’s core muscle strength as well as her ability to stand (with assistance) when not using her standing frame, which is progress towards Ariana being able to stand unaided. Regular use of the standing frame is also helping in the formation of Ariana’s hip joints, which is crucial for walking. Ariana’s parents are pleased to see her enjoying time in another position other than lying down or sitting.
Ariana’s father works full-time and her mother is her full-time carer. She has no other siblings. Ariana was referred to Aussie Kidz by Movement Solutions.